Edinburgh Agroecology - Lauriston Farm

Community Outdoor Kitchen

Lauriston Farm’s Community Outdoor Kitchen project received 417 votes and was awarded funding of £20,000. So far, there has been work undertaken to develop the infrastructure on the plot. This included the construction of 2 community sheds for tool storage for allotment holders, as well as a community kitchen made of mud and straw. Earlier in the year a group from Edinburgh University came on a volunteer day and helped to dig us an allotment pond. The subsoil from here was mixed with straw from wheat that we grew in the allotment area to make cob for the walls. Prior to this, volunteers from the farm worked with Edinburgh Tool Library and their volunteers to put up a wooden frame and roof. We then inserted a lattice of willow and hazel where the wall panels would go and wrapped, draped and pushed the cob mix onto this lattice to make the walls. In all there have been well over 60 volunteers participating in 15 sessions to build this kitchen.

Quote from community member:

“Sense of shared purpose, community, building something together, meeting people, learning new skills, sharing soup, getting muddy!

Find out more by reading the Edinburgh Agroecology application to the Edinburgh Community Climate Fund or visit their website