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Community teaching kitchen

J judy.crabb  •  2023-01-26  •  No comments  •  The Edinburgh Community Climate Fund  • 

Existing space we wish to develop as a teaching kitchen
Existing space we wish to develop as a teaching kitchen

Project code: 4




Heart of Newhaven Community are developing the former Victoria Primary School, Newhaven as an intergenerational community hub, ‘The Heart’. We have three themes, identified by community consultation: culture and heritage, learning and enterprise and community well being with a common thread of intergenertaional practice.Our aim is that ‘Through partnership working and community engagement we seek to reduce isolation, challenge and remove barriers to participation and create opportunities for people of all ages, from all walks of life and with a variety of interests, to come together. Our intergenerational hub will help people experience, share and exchange culture and heritage, engage in formal and informal learning and develop business and enterprise skills in an accessible and welcoming environment that contributes to the positive wellbeing of our community.

The proposed development of a teaching kitchen will be an important facility of The Heart and contribute to our aim. It will complement the partnership wotk we are already doing with Homestart in the development of a community garden within the curtliege of The Heart and with Mwamba in our 'pots of herbs' project. Other organisations and groups keen to work with us in developing and using the facility include Edinburgh Community Food, Leith Pantry and the Ukrainian community. We also have close links to Friends of Victoria Park and Victoria Allotments who would provide a seasonal input of fruit and vegetables to the kitchen for community use.

Location: Former Victoria Primary School

Proposed on behalf of: The Heart of Newhaven Community was constituted on 28th January 2019 with a Steering Group of 12 members. We registered as a SCIO on 4th February 2020 We are developing the former Victoria Primary School, Newhaven as an intergenerational community hub, ‘The Heart’. We have three themes, identified by community consultation: culture and heritage, learning and enterprise and community well being with a common thread of intergenertaional practice.Our aim is that ‘Through partnership working and community engagement we seek to reduce isolation, challenge and remove barriers to participation and create opportunities for people of all ages, from all walks of life and with a variety of interests, to come together. Our intergenerational hub will help people experience, share and exchange culture and heritage, engage in formal and informal learning and develop business and enterprise skills in an accessible and welcoming environment that contributes to the positive wellbeing of our community. Our Vision is that our intergenerational and collaborative practice encourages, develops and facilitates inclusive activities which increase tolerance, celebrate diversity and promote individual and community wellbeing. Embedding of intergenerational practice at The Heart is a key ambition which will take time and support to achieve. The aspiration is to work in partnership to bring older and young people together through purposeful, mutually beneficial activities to promote greater understanding and respect between generations. We want young people and older people to be better connected, less socially isolated and more actively engaged with their community, contributing towards active citizenship, increased independence, wellbeing and self-confidence. Community Wellbeing as one of our three themes is particularly relevant to the proposed teaching kitchen. Community consultation repeatedly shows considerable interest in health and wellbeing activities including advice and community awareness support and public health information, greenspace development, gardening and food preparation/community meals. Shared informal space was also recognised as a need in the area. We believe that partnership working is fundamental to our community and needs-led approach and to achieving our overall vision.

Don't have defined milestones