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Regenerative Consultancy for 5 grass-roots projects plus ongoing network

J jakewolflawy  •  2023-02-12  •  4 comments  •  The Edinburgh Community Climate Fund  • 


Project code: 54



We are Regenerate Edinburgh

an Open Collective of Activist Consultants specialising in Regenerative Development work created by Regenesis, Accredited Carbon Literacy Training, Restorative Justice and Mediation and non-hierarchical self-organising.

We want to bring highest quality consultancy to Citizen-led grass-roots projects for free and in so doing establish the Regenerative Practitioner Guild (RPG) of Edinburgh.

  • Would your project, volunteer group or Community Council benefit from indepth year long professional support to integrate a Regenerative approach to governance, decision making and strategy?

  • Email us at if you are interested to know more

Our Project

All across Edinburgh there are courageous hardworking people, engaged in holding this city together as a community and making it the special place that we know and love.

Our ecologically grounded Bioregional approach exists to give back to and invest in the volunteers and community leaders who quietly hold our city together for the vast majority to enjoy. 

Democracy cannot function without educated and empowered citizens.  Why? No matter how good cutting edge sustainability ideas may be, if they are only delivered top down then it is always likely to feel like an imposition from the outside and thus hit resistance.  In contrast, when a community is genuinely galvanized around what it really cares about, there is no limit to what can be achieved, nor the efficiency, effectiveness and depth of the solution. We see this as in fact the very essence of democracy.

We will help 5 local projects shift out of fire fighting mode and reconnect with the core reason why they exist. We will help them to identify how they can magnify their effectiveness within their community and provide meaningful ways into action for hundreds if not thousands of their members and users.   Each project will function as a seed from which much greater and deeper change can build. Embedding bioregional awareness in our communities is an investment which through our self-funded Regenerative practitioner network will give fruit for decades.   

A healthy bioregion is a massive natural carbon sink, and can be incredibly productive of food and energy using methods that would make it a net-positive carbon sink.  Edinburgh is the capital city of this country and therefore has disproportionate influence over how things go at a national level.  As citizens we can strengthen the fundamental resilience of the City to systemic shocks from the global food system, energy markets and international political changes by creating healthy dynamics between the City and the rural context in which it is nested. Through our choices as Edinburgh residents we can make Edinburgh, as a city, a driver of and marketplace for Regeneration region wide and in so doing make Edinburgh a genuine leader in tackling the root causes of CEE globally.

Edinburgh was once known as a Thought Leader for all of Europe, laying the ground for modernity and democracy as we know it.  Edinburgh World Heritage calls Edinburgh the ‘City of Genius’ for this very reason. The famous phrase: ‘We take it as self evident that all men are created Equal’ was directly inspired by the Scottish Enlightenment.

Climate and Ecological Emergency is the perfect opportunity to take history into our hands, renew the spirit of Edinburgh and create a new wave of civic participation and civic pride.  Taking care of the places and people who we love, should not be a sideshow. Investing in resident-led initiative is the safest and surestway forward.

Please support us to support those who are already working and volunteering for the benefit of all.  

In one year we will present 5 case studies showing what is possible from the grass roots up; what we hope is that by then you will already be directly involved.

Location: Edinburgh wide

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