Porty Community Energy and the Tool Library

Cosy Homes and Cargo Bikes

Porty Community Energy, in collaboration with the Edinburgh Tool Library, initiated a project aimed at promoting energy efficiency and sustainable transportation within the community.

The project successfully met its aims, engaging 41 volunteers and benefiting 858 participants through various activities. It established a Cargo Bike Library and an Active Travel Hub, which facilitated the reduction of car journeys and promoted low-carbon travel. The practical workshops, including the 'Cosy Homes' series, equipped community members with skills for home energy improvements, such as draught-proofing and insulation.

The project made significant strides in community leadership and learning on climate change by engaging volunteers and participants in hands-on activities. The Retrofixers initiative and Cosy Homes workshops provided practical knowledge and fostered a sense of community leadership in implementing sustainable practices. The Cargo Bike Library promoted low-carbon travel, clocking 3,816 miles since its inception, and influenced a behavioral shift towards sustainable transportation among community members.

The project also generated sustainable outcomes, such as the establishment of a neighbors' association on Rosefield Place to collectively pursue energy-efficient retrofits. This initiative demonstrated the potential for community-led action in reducing carbon emissions and building resilience against climate change.

Quote: “Today's storm is great. There is no wind coming through my sitting room or study windows nor the bottom of my kitchen window [...] Thanks again for all the hard work. You have no idea how nice I was to eat breakfast in my kitchen this morning - thanks again to everyone for all your wonderful help”

More information about the impact of the project is available online

Find out more by readling the Porty Community Energy application to the Edinburgh Community Climate Fund or visit their website